The thoughts in your head are just what I put down on paper.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Back, and hotter than ever.

That's right. Today, I woke up around ten, and after sifting through our crappy cable, I decided on watching TMNT. Yes, I am 28 years old.

April is getting married in this episode, and these turtles are HOT. Don't tell me none of you ever had crushes on cartoons--you would be lying. Master Splinter is the only rat I'll ever love, and Leonardo is saving the day with that big brain of his. Hot, hot, hotness.

I always thought April would marry one of the turtles, though. Raphael is my favorite. I'm not sure who this Casey Jones character is, but he must have wooed April with his brawny, no brains act. I get that. Sometimes I want a stupid man I can boss around, but I wonder if I would get bored when I'm like, 80.

I know. I'm horrible.

"Heroes in a half-shell. Turtle power!"

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